About > NNESRE Constitution
Northern New England School Of Religious Education
Article I, Purpose
MISSION: The Northern New England School of Religious Education (NNESRE) is an inclusive, intergenerational community welcoming all people. NNESRE conducts an annual session offering courses and activities that provide opportunities for spiritual development, sociopolitical awareness, artistic expression, personal growth and renewal.
Article II, Board of Trustees
Section 1.
The school shall be governed by a Board of Trustees which shall consist of elected members together with the following members ex officio: the Dean and the Business Manager. The members ex officio shall have no vote.
Section 2.
Commencing with the 1979-80 fiscal year, all Trustees except the members ex officio shall be elected for terms of three years by a majority of the Trustees present at the annual meeting of the Board. They may be elected for second terms, but at the expiration of the second term, they shall be ineligible for one year thereafter for re-election. At each annual meeting, six Trustees shall be elected for three-year terms. A vacancy on the Board may be filled at any meeting by election of a Trustee upon recommendation of the Nomination Committee, and for a term designated by the Committee. Trustees thus elected may be eligible for re-election immediately for their own three-year terms. Not more than one-half of the members of the Board of Trustees shall serve as members of the teaching staff or administrative staff of the school for any given year.
Article III, Officers of the Board
Section 1.
The officers of the Board of Trustees shall be a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. They shall be elected by a majority ballot and shall hold office for one year, or until their successors are elected.
Section 2.
The Chairperson shall preside at the meetings of the Board. S/he shall be an ex officio member of all Committees of the Board (except the Nominating Committee), and shall have custody of the Treasurer's and/or Business Manager's bond when such shall be required.
Section 3.
The Vice Chairperson, in the absence of the Chairperson, shall perform the duties of the Chairperson.
Section 4.
The Secretary shall keep a full record of all proceedings of the Board. In the absence of the Secretary at any meeting of the Board, a Secretary pro tem shall be chosen.
Section 5.
The Treasurer, if required, shall give bond satisfactory to the Board for the faithful discharge of all duties of his/her office. It shall be his/her duty to oversee the administration of all invested funds of the school. S/he shall report the status of invested funds to the Board at both the annual meeting and the Spring meeting and will seek the Board's guidance on investment strategy.
Section 6.
The books of the Treasurer shall be audited at least every five years, but may be audited more often at the Board's discretion, by an auditor elected by the Board.
Section 7.
The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Chairpersons of the Business Committee and the Program and Evaluation Committee. The Executive Committee shall act for the Board of Trustees in all matters connected with the school in the interim between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee shall receive and act upon the reports of the Business Manager and the Chairperson of the Business Committee at the end of each fiscal year. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be held at the call of the Chairperson, or by the request of three or more members. The Secretary shall report in writing the actions of the Executive Committee at the next meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Dean may be invited to attend the meeting of the Executive Committee.
Article IV, Meetings of the Board of Trustees
Section 1.
There shall be at least two stated meetings of the Board: an annual meeting in New Hampshire during the annual session of the school; and a Spring meeting not later than May 1. These meetings shall be called by the Chairperson, and special meetings may be called at the request of five members of the Board of Trustees. Notice of the meetings shall be sent out by the Secretary at least two weeks in advance.
Section 2.
Seven voting members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board.
Article V, Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall begin on October 1 and end on September 30.
Article VI, Committees
Section 1.
A Nominating Committee of six members shall be elected at the annual meeting to nominate, at the time of the next annual meeting, all officers and new Trustees. The Nominating Committee shall also submit nominations for the Dean, Chaplain, Program Committee Chair, Business Manager, and additional committee chairs as needed, to the executive committee who may at their discretion accept these nominations or appoint choices of their own. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members appointed by the Executive Committee, exclusive of said trustees, and three members from the conference-at-large, self-nominated and elected by the Trustees. This committee shall choose its chairperson on a yearly basis from among its members.
Section 2.
There shall be a Business Committee consisting of a least five members of the Board of Trustees, including the Treasurer and the Business Manager. This committee shall have general charge of all matters of business and finance. The Dean may be invited to attend meetings of the Business Committee.
Section 3.
There shall be a Program and Evaluation Committee consisting of at least five members of the Board of Trustees, together with the Dean. It shall have general charge of matters of educational policy, standards, curriculum, and appointment of the faculty.
Section 4.
Chairpersons of the Business Committee and the Program Evaluation Committee, as well as Chairpersons and members of other committees (except the Nominating Committee), are appointed by the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees.
Article VII, Officers of the School
Section 1.
The officers of the school shall be; a Dean, a Business Manager, Ed School Director, and such other officers as the Board of Trustees may from time to time determine. These officers shall be nominated by the Nominating Committee. The Executive Committee shall, for each nomination, accept the nomination or appoint at their discretion. In the event that the Nominating Committee is not able to submit a nomination, the Executive Committee shall appoint.
Section 2.
The Business Manager, if required, shall give bond satisfactory to the Board for the faithful discharge of all duties of his/her office. It shall be his/her duty to receive and hold all working funds of the school, and to disperse such funds in accordance with budget guidelines approved by the Board. At the Spring meeting of the Board, s/he shall present a budget for the upcoming session for Board approval. At the annual meeting, s/he shall report on the status of the working funds and the actual income and expenditures vs. the approved budget. At the end of the fiscal year, s/he shall turn over any excess funds to the Treasurer for investment.
Section 3.
The books of the Business Manager shall be audited at least every five years, but may be audited more often at the Board's discretion, by an auditor elected by the Board.
Article VIII, Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Trustees present at any given meeting, provided that notice of the proposed amendment shall have been given at the time of issuing the call for such meeting at least two weeks in advance thereof.
As amended on August 2010 [Revision Date: Thursday, September 27, 2012, -rjc]