Recent Posts
- Spirit of NNESRE
- Deans re. 2020
- Pandemic Ouch
- Rumi Poem
- COVID Starts
- New for 2018
- 2018 Theme
- Changes for 2017
- 2017 Theme
- I was Thinking
Build Camaraderie & NNESRE funds
Dearest dear Winnites, (I don’t throw the double dear around very often so you know this is an important occasion!) Now is the time for all good Winni-ers to come to the aid of your NNESRE. We have a special year and we don’t come around knocking too often – so please hear my awesome opportunity of a pledge drive.
We are using the occasion of NNESRE’s 100th Anniversary to have a FUN-RAISER! What’s the difference between a Fundraiser and a Fun-Raiser, you ask? For the traditional "raiser," you give till it hurts — for this, give just to be part of the party! This is not a high stress, high stakes request – but one to ...
Pre-order extended
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PRE-ORDER DEADLINE extended until THIS Sunday, July 17. Just click on the *Merchandise Order* button on our order page! (Money not needed until you pick up at Winni.) |
Relevant links
- Facebook event page with additional details
- Slide show of items available (Facebook slideshow)
300th registrant
I would like to thank Rowland Siftar for being the 300th registrant for Winni 2016! We still have room for more (stateline, trees, geneva woods, tenting)!
Thanks, Leslie
NNESRE Business Manager
Dean Survey
Hello Winnites,
Here we go again with an “I have a Winni Dream” idea and I need everybody’s help – whether you are going to camp this year or not, and it will only take 2 minutes of your time. I would like to put together a Powerpoint presentation with a scrolling vision of what Winni means to everyone and some of your favorite Winni memories. That’s it and it’s that easy!
So I would like to ask you to... — EVERYONE – especially folks who aren’t going to camp so we can include you in this.
Take a deep breath n’ relax. ∞ Put yourself in a Winni state o’ mind...
Ed School
Camp is fast approaching! For all you campers sending children to Ed School, please be sure to REGISTER YOUR CHILD — if you haven't already — and also contact us with any questions or concerns.
Using the link below, please take a few moments to fill out the survey so that we can adequately prepare for a fun-filled week of learning!
Your Ed School co-chairs,
Hillary Irvine + Andy Slezak
Winni T-shirts
PRE-ORDER your 100th Winni merchandise before July 15 and it will be waiting for you at Winni! All proceeds benefit the NNESRE Scholarship fund, and you can pick it all up when you arrive. Let's celebrate! (Thanks to Deanna Lynne Finlayson for her graphic design skills!)
- Go to order form
- Facebook event page with additional details
- Slide show of items available (Facebook slideshow)
Still room for more!
We have grown to 299 campers! But there is still room for more! — up from 276 last year. I have Stateline (1), Trees (1), Geneva Woods, and tenting available. Please don't forget to give generously to the scholarship fund (we are about 50% there) and send in those final payments by July 15th (we are about 45% there).
Also, we have been given the go ahead to sell single cabins in Geneva Woods for $650 each (they sleep 8 people, which is only $81.25 per person!).
Thanks, Leslie
Business Manager